Car Camping Options for Your Next Music Festival
Imagine jumping and dancing for hours, until your feet feel numb, only to head back to curl up in a small tent on the hard ground. Though a common scene in concert and festival culture, it’s understandable that roughing it isn’t for everyone. However, instead of emptying your wallet for the nearest hotel (which, unfortunately, isn’t always near the site), car camping is a simple and efficient solution.
Rocking out and roughing it don’t need to be mutually inclusive. Car camping provides various options for comfort from just your car to rest in, to a whole truck bed tent. With long days full of musical and bonding experiences ahead, it’s crucial to have your sleeping logistics in order, so you won’t need to worry about them later when you’re having a blast. Use this graphic to plan ahead, pack your necessities, and prepare to camp in your vehicle.
Infographic by Say Insurance